This week, open your eyes to the other side of superhero-inducing catastrophes and meet a Shanghainese prostitute who becomes a Queen.
Yet again, I am going to forego the usual asks for engagement through ratings, reviews and social media and recommend, again, some podcasts by black voices.
Go listen to:
Black On The Air with Larry Wilmore
StarTalk Radio with Neil deGrasse Tyson
Be Heard Talk (formerly Let Your Voice Be Heard! Radio) with Selena Hill
2 Dope Queens with Phoebe Robinson and Jessica Williams
Still Processing with Jenna Wortham and Wesley Morris
To follow Prose:
This week, engage with a different type of vampire and set out on a road trip that slouches toward eternity.
Though I’m rather late in doing so because of prerecording a month in advance, I would like to recommend some podcasts by black voices.
Go listen to:
Black On The Air with Larry Wilmore
StarTalk Radio with Neil deGrasse Tyson
Be Heard Talk (formerly Let Your Voice Be Heard! Radio) with Selena Hill
2 Dope Queens with Phoebe Robinson and Jessica Williams
Still Processing with Jenna Wortham and Wesley Morris
To follow Prose: